Gemmit the front page of gemini part 2


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The Gemini protocol enables internet surfers to navigate across the web securely. As users of the entire web become fragmented across countries, pay-walls, logins, and proprietary apps the need to opt-out onto other more end-user respecting distributed networks becomes apparent.

The purpose of Gemmit is to experiment with the composability of open protocols and to hopefully fill a gap between already trafficked http only websites and Gemini websites.

Currently, discovering gems (great content) on Gemini is done via searching, atom aggregators, backlinks, referrals, and many others.

There does not exist a shared portal on Gemini to signal publicly to others that content is worth reading, watching, listening, etc. It is difficult and time consuming to manually discover content.

Determining what content people should see is done via voting and it is important that votes reflect the consumers of that content.

Rather than building another castle out of sand, I'd like to try an alternative architecture that is more aligned with Gemini's stance towards privacy and user control/ownership.

I've identified the following methods that have been adopted to prevent spamming of votes via bots and malicious actors.

These methods are there to closely control permissions on which trusted actors can modify a database.

If votes are not recorded on a central database and anyone can setup a server to view the results, then the privacy invasive techniques used to preserve voting integrity is sidestepped.

Gemmit will use Monero, the privacy preserving cryptocurrency, to act as the central database. Any other public blockchains could with minimal effort also be included. But, blockchains with transaction fees are necessary as this prevents spam.

An alternative?

Since the same mechanism that is used for voting is also a store of value, votes will directly pay curators and producers of content.

